Projeto Integrador

Projeto Integrador

domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015

English English Glossary - Residual Stress

Hello, blog Readers!

Today, we will mention over an ideal analysis for the rivet projects in the Integrator Project: residual stress.

Picture 1. Bending loading in a residual stress state.
Source: MAXWELL. Tensões Residuais. PUC-Rio. Available at: <>. Accessed at: 22 nov. 2015.
The residual stress, as Maxwell quotes, "in a simple and generic way, residual means any existing stresses in a subject without any external forces acting over it". Those forces can vary from mechanical loadings to temperature gradients. In the Picture, the residual stresses create different graphs than the ones that should be normally created (accordingly to the second beam, from up to down).

Your verification would be dieal for bigger precision in the rivet projects. However, your viability involves crack testings or superficial analysis. As the time urges, we must stick to do the project in able time, seeking results with the possible detailing.

That's everything for the week! We thank you for the attention!

Best regards,
Solarium Engineering Team

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